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We are creating a unique experience, bethshean is a unique community. Some would consider us prosperous. But, we that prosperity is a relative thing. Some of my best times have been when I had very little money but lots of freedom and time to follow my intrests. The individual must find for themselves the balence of having and needing in their life. Some needing is a good thing, it keeps one moving forward.

one needs to be their own leader and not a blind follower. If you follow blindly, you will spend your time and money fulfilling a strangers dreams and needs

Bethshean Council

Administration & Law Editors

The council is made up of 9 members. 1/3 of the member seats come up for election every 2 years. As such, the list of council members is always changing.



Administration & Law Editor

"I am one of the few that have been with this since the beginning, but one could say it goes much farther than that. The household I grew up in encouraged thought, advocacy, and social activism. Most anything was open for discussion.  I am a free market capitalist that believes that with wealth, and power comes responsibility. I am a fiscal conservative, and a social liberal. I don't care what you do, as long as you aren't harming anyone else, or taxing me. For those familiar with the political parties of the U.S.A. I am most closely aligned with the libertarian party."

As a contributor to the Theology Department.

The five things that my religious beliefs have in common with most other religions is:

"I am both a Universalist pastor and a unitarian, but I am not a Unitarian Universalist. as a unitarian I am a strict monotheist. I believe that the God is so all encompassing, and that in trying to describe the God you will only confuse matters. Good/bad, male/female, light/dark, these things mean nothing to a truly supreme being. I feel that most religious traditions ultimately block a person from developing a personal relationship with the one supreme being. I think that the "golden rule" is the most important rule one can follow. beyond that we are pretty much expected to experience life, seek the God, and watch for the miracles."



Philosophy Editor

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As a contributor to the Theology Department.

The five things that my religious beliefs have in common with most other religions is:

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Please remember this page and all original content is copyright   2009 Bethshean Artists cooperative. Other copyrights apply where noted.