
Administration & Law


Administration & Law Editor

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We are creating a unique experience, bethshean is a unique community. Some would consider us prosperous. But, we that prosperity is a relative thing. Some of my best times have been when I had very little money but lots of freedom and time to follow my intrests. The individual must find for themselves the balence of having and needing in their life. Some needing is a good thing, it keeps one moving forward.

one needs to be their own leader and not a blind follower. If you follow blindly, you will spend your time and money fulfilling a strangers dreams and needs

The role the Community Council  in Bethshean

The Bethshean Council represents the community as a whole, and its main focus is on community wide issues.  Individual members of the council are generally appointed by the council to oversee a particular aspect of council business. Reporting to the council at large, findings and recomendations.

New laws originate in the council. and are prepared for popular vote by the council. New laws proposed by the council are assigned an urgency of next general election, or immediate vote. The council acts in an advisory capacity to the writers of referendums reviewing, and ultimately preparing the referendums for popular vote. All ballots originate with the community council.

The council hears complaints from community residents, and seeks to address any failures of the community to respect the rights of community members and residents.

Torts and claims are heard by the community council. decisions are binding to all parties. Contracts in Bethshean are required to include provisions for third party arbitration, so few contract disputes ever see a council decision. Parties seeking damages or restrictions are the most common suits heard by the council.

An additional responsibility, is to oversee community finances. The Mayor may sign the checks but the Council lays out how money is spent. A budget is submitted to the Mayor each year for community expenses and income. No public service or project can be initiated by the council without first finding funding. 

 After receiving the appointment list for the position of Sheriff from the Mayor. The council researches each candidate and approves, or disapproves each for Sheriff. The approved candidates are then added to the  ballot.

The council appoints its own chairman. The chairman votes for second tier council members, and may serve as a member of the second tier council.

Please remember this page and all original content is copyright   2011 Bethshean Artists cooperative. Other copyrights apply where noted.