Guidelines 5
Separation of Church and State can only be achieved by knowing where the boundaries exist.
Three things that show that the American "Experiment" is still developing.
- Gay Marriages in New Hampshire and San Francisco.
- A Constitutional Amendment to Block these Marriages
- The Ten Commandments Monument in a Public Park in Boise
I think the best way to look at these is by deciding them based on the original Community principles.
- Gay Marriages in New Hampshire and San Francisco.
Any Community has the right to make laws based on the needs of individuals in the community. and should be allowed to do so. local rules should always supersede rules imposed by higher governing bodies. this will not lead to anarchy. In the United States there are counties in Illinois and Tennessee to name two states that are "Dry" meaning that Alcohol is prohibited. In some counties in Nevada Prostitution is legal. In Nevada and New Jersey gamboling is legal. This difference in law from one jurisdiction to another has not destroyed the United States.
Some people argue that by allowing gay marriages the sanctity of marriage is being destroyed. I hate to argue (actually, I love to argue.), but the sanctity of marriage was destroyed when the government got involved in issuing marriage licenses. Sanctifying marriage is not government's place. It is the place of religious leaders to define what they see as the will of god in such cases. When I got married the pronouncement by the Reverend Stanton was "What God has joined together let no man tear asunder", not "What the state of Washington has joined together...". Marriage is a contract between individuals and families. Nuptial agreements should be handled by family law attorneys, defining what is expected of the individuals. With standard provisions for breach of contract and arbitration. A representative of the individuals religion should bless the union. If your religion does not prohibit gay, lesbian or polygamous marriages then you should be free to marry in these ways as you see fit.
2. A constitutional amendment to block same sex marriages
If the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) could not be passed, what makes politicians think they can pass a defense of marriage amendment to the constitution. Changes to a nations constitution should not be made lightly. Prohibition was a good example. Well meaning people who were going to save us from ourselves. Besides there are too many Americans who support, or are at least indifferent to gay marriages. The politicians who are pushing this are just trying to look good. most Americans polled are against such an amendment. This is truly a non-issue to most.
3. The Ten Commandments Monument in a Public Park in Boise
For forty years, there was a stone in a public park in Boise, Idaho that has the ten commandments carved into it. It looks like a tombstone.1 Some officials had it removed to a churchyard in the city. The ten commandments is of religious importance to a majority of the worlds population. It does not encourage the breaking of the laws of this nation. It does not harm the community. It does not destabilize the family structure. In fact, a majority of people believe that following its rules makes for a better community. I think there should be other monuments in city parks. I would like to see some of Confucius' teachings reach the general public. Some of his ideas on social responsibility are important in any community. Nobody should be offended because somebody believes something different.
There is a proposal to place a monument condemning a man who was murdered because he was gay (the gay thing really seems to bother some people) into the same park.2 Saying to the effect, that he got what he deserved and is now rotting in hell. This type of monument should not be allowed because it encourages illegal behavior (the two men were convicted of murder in the courts) and the victim was not doing anything illegal, and was just following his bliss.
- 1. Boise group renews Ten Commandments cause - KBOI
- 2. Boise faces Phelps controversy - ReligionNewsBlog
- Matthew Shepard Foundation
- The Equal Rights Amendment