Government Structure
Working with a small community requires a relatively tiny governing body. for our model we are using something similar to a "tribal" system.
All of the positions are purely volunteer. Elected by a majority of the members of the community. We never came up with a better name for the Mayor, and Sheriff positions. For a while we were calling the Mayor "The Greg", and the Sheriff "The Nick", after the first simulated mayor, and sheriff. The mayor and sheriff together are responsible for the day to day running of the community. The council has oversight over the mayor and sheriff.
The Mayor is the official representative of the community, and is also responsible for managing community resources and finance. Creates the list of candidates for the position of sheriff. Votes for second tier executive, and may serve as the second tier executive.
The Council reviews, publishes and ballots all referendums. Authors new laws and policies. Hears complaints. Judges civil matters and claims. Plans and enacts community projects and policies. Vets and approves the candidate list for sheriff. Appoints a board chairman. The chairman votes for second tier council members, and may serve as a member of the second tier council.
The Sheriff is responsible for community security and commands the community militia. organize and deputize posses, execute sentences of the courts. Votes for second tier sheriff, and may serve as the second tier sheriff.
The judge presides over criminal trials
The citizens of the community elect the community's mayor, council, and sheriff and judge in popular elections. Vote on referendums, new laws, and recall. Comprise juries for criminal trials.
Multiple communities will be formed. Each community will have their own laws, policies, and structure unique to the needs of the members.
If a member travels to another community and breaks a minor rule (misdemeanor) then they will be handled as if they were members of that community. In major criminal convictions (felony) there will be option of local or home judgment. i.e.,
- If someone from another community litters in a community where there is a rule prohibiting it, they will be subject to the same rules and penalties as a local member, (30 hours of community service).
- If another person were to get drunk and into a fight, seriously injuring another person, After being found guilty, the convict will be sentenced by the local community standards (5 years indentured service to the injured party). If the local community, and convict both agree to sentencing by the home community standards, then the home community will sentence the convict (paying a fine). if the home community and convict object to the penalties assigned by the local community then a sentence will be negotiated, with arbitration if necessary (indentured service until the injured party is well plus 2+1 additional months to cover medical and court costs).
Individuals with behaviors, or practices that may be deemed toxic by a community's council, can be barred from visiting that councils community, Limitations can also be set on what an individual can, or cannot do, while visiting from another community.
Processed white sugar is not allowed in this community, and you may not import, or consume white sugar while here.
While we respect your right to practice polyfidelity in your your own community. Polyfidelity may not be practiced in this community, and visitors are expected to have only one partner with them while visiting.