
Administration & Law


Administration & Law Editor

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We are creating a unique experience, bethshean is a unique community. Some would consider us prosperous. But, we that prosperity is a relative thing. Some of my best times have been when I had very little money but lots of freedom and time to follow my intrests. The individual must find for themselves the balence of having and needing in their life. Some needing is a good thing, it keeps one moving forward.

one needs to be their own leader and not a blind follower. If you follow blindly, you will spend your time and money fulfilling a strangers dreams and needs

The Role of Community Members  in Bethshean

The members of the Bethshean community elect their Mayor, Council, Judge, and Sheriff in popular elections. General elections are held every even year, unless a position is vacated early, then there will be an election to fill term vacated.

Referendums originate with the community members. The community council must accept a referendum petition if one third,  or more of the community members have signed it.  Included in the referendum is a stipulation of urgency. The stipulation of urgency sets the vote at the next general election or for immediate popular vote. In the review period for a referendum, the council only has advisory status. The author(s) have final say in the content of the referendum when presented to community members for vote. 

Bi-law additions or changes require a three quarters majority to pass. civil laws and election to office need only a simple majority.

Volenteerism is an important aspect of life in Bethshean. It is considered a grave and necessary duty to the community to serve as a juror. The members of the Bethshean community serve as jurors in criminal and civil maters. Due to the small size of the community, Impartiality can be a concern in selecting jurors. Jurors can be obtained from outside the community if needed. Bethshean has a reciprocal juror agreement with Polyfi and Eden communities. As such the members of the Bethshean community may be called to serve on juries in both Polyfi and Eden

Please remember this page and all original content is copyright   2011 Bethshean Artists cooperative. Other copyrights apply where noted.