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We are creating a unique experience, bethshean is a unique community. Some would consider us prosperous. But, we that prosperity is a relative thing. Some of my best times have been when I had very little money but lots of freedom and time to follow my intrests. The individual must find for themselves the balence of having and needing in their life. Some needing is a good thing, it keeps one moving forward.

one needs to be their own leader and not a blind follower. If you follow blindly, you will spend your time and money fulfilling a strangers dreams and needs


Diaspora describes the way most of us live now. It came out of trying to put into practice some of the things we developed. We live in established communities, and cities, and we are committed to improving them. So the question became, how do we make an intentional  community with in the city we live in. An example is the micro food bank

The micro food bank started with one family in need. We solved the problem by creating a food bank in a private home for this family to access. It came to one pantry cupboard, and half a freezer. Two families initially pitched in to fill, and keep the pantry full. Ultimately, four families contributed. The family in need also received food stamps, monthly commodities through the USDA  Emergency Food Assistance Act (Government Cheese), and some food from the local food bank.

We figured that the micro food bank would work well in any social group. A church is the most common example. Lets look at a scenario:

Family B finds out that family A is in need. It could be anything. The parents lost their jobs, a wife with three children is abandoned by her husband. It could be almost anything. Luckily both families attend the same church. The husband of family B talks to the pastor of their church. The pastor talks to the adult(s) of family A to asses their needs. They are willing to accept help. She (the pastor) then calls for families  to "adopt" a family, within the church, in need. Ten families volunteer. One family agrees to act as go between, helping the volunteers to target the needs of family A. The go between manages the food bank and makes sure that the volunteers know what family A needs and uses. It does not make sense to supply a family with cheese, if they are lactose intolerant. It is a waste of resources.

If ten families spend an extra 7% when they do their grocery shopping, and donate the groceries to the micro food bank. The adopted family will get the help they need. It is real easy to look at the shopping list, the go between supplies, and tell them "I'll pick up an extra chicken this week" or "butter and 5 pounds of flour". Seriously, if a family spends $100 a week on groceries, then an extra chicken and gallon of milk will cover the 7%. The percentage and number of adopting families can adjust up and down depending on volunteers and need. We have found that a total of  70% is a good number to start with. The average family could lower their grocery bill and still eat well, but simpler, more beans and rice, less Fritos  and Twinkies. However, those things make really nice occasional treats when one is cutting costs (hint hint). If a family starts receiving other aid like food stamps, then the food bank will need less.

Please remember this page and all original content is copyright   2010 Bethshean Artists cooperative. Other copyrights apply where noted.